国际 Undergraduate Admission

国际 Profile Luzia
  • 入学要求

    本科新生:  If you are an international student who has never been enrolled at a post-secondary college or university, you must submit all required documents and show evidence of a cumulative 2.5年级 point average on all secondary school work.

    国际 Undergraduate 转移 from a US Institution:
    An international student who is currently enrolled at an accredited US college or university, and wishes to transfer to 十大电子游艺网站排行 must meet one of the following criteria:

    • 0-17 Credit hours: Must provide evidence of a 2.5 cumulative grade point average (CPGA) on all post-secondary school work. Must provide proof of English Language Proficiency via TOEFL or IELTS testing which must meet Lamar’s English Proficiency standards.
    • 18-48 Credit hours: Must provide evidence of a 2.5 CGPA and proof of English Language Proficiency. English Proficiency requirement may be waived with proof of completion of Comp I and Comp II with a grade of “B” or better on a 4.0级 scale; or completion of 48 credit hours with a 2.5 CPGA.
    • 超过48学时.0 CGPA and English Proficiency requirement are waived.

    国际 Undergraduate 转移 from non-US Institutions:
    An international student transferring from a non-US Institution must meet one of the following criteria:

    • 0-48 Credit hours: Must provide evidence of a 2.5 CGPA on all post-secondary school work. Must provide proof of English Language Proficiency via TOEFL or IELTS testing which must meet Lamar’s English Proficiency standards.
    • 超过48学时.0 CGPA. Must provide proof of English Language Proficiency via TOEFL or IELTS testing which must meet Lamar’s English Proficiency standards.
  • 如何申请

    Please use your name as it appears on your passport on your application and on all other communication with 十大电子游艺网站排行.

    1. 提交的应用程序. All international applicants should submit online applications through the 申请德州 系统. 国际 Freshman applicants should submit the 国际 Freshman Application. 国际 转移 applicants should submit the 国际 转移 Application.

    2. Submit Official Evaluation of Transcripts. 国际 Undergraduate applicants must have an official report of course-by-course 评估记录 of all secondary and post-secondary work sent to 十大电子游艺网站排行 directly by the evaluating agency. 十大电子游艺网站排行 does not provide an internal evaluation service, and you do not need to send official transcripts to our office.  These agencies may deliver your evaluation by email at LUAdmTran@Lamar.edu, or to the mailing address listed below.

    国际 Undergraduate Admissions
    P.O. 10009箱
    博蒙特TX 77710 

    3. Submit Admission Test Scores. 国际 Freshman and 国际 转移 applicants should have SAT and/or ACT scores issued to 十大电子游艺网站排行 directly by the testing agency.

    4. Provide Proof of English Language Proficiency. 国际 applicants, both undergraduate and graduate, must provide proof of English language proficiency through scores on the TOEFL or IELTS.

    English Proficiency Requirements

    TOEFL Internet Based Total 71
    TOEFL Computer Based Total 197
    TOEFL Paper-Based Total 527
    雅思总 6.0
    Duolingo 95
    PTE 50
  • English Waiver Criteria

    English requirements will be waived for students who:

    • Are from an English waiver country
    • Have completed 48 credits of secondary/post-secondary school from an English waiver country
    • Have completed 48 credits of secondary/post-secondary school, taught in English
    • Have completed a level 112 of Intensive English at a U.S. 机构
    • Have completed English Composition I and II, 或者类似的, from an accredited US 机构 with a grade of "B" or better on a 4.0规模.


  • Qualifying Countries or Entities
    • 美属萨摩亚
    • 安圭拉岛
    • 安提瓜岛 & 巴布达
    • 澳大利亚
    • 巴哈马群岛
    • 巴巴多斯
    • 伯利兹
    • 百慕大
    • 博茨瓦纳
    • British Indian Ocean Territory
    • 英属维尔京群岛
    • 加拿大(魁北克除外)
    • 开曼群岛
    • 多米尼加
    • 福克兰群岛
    • 斐济
    • 冈比亚
    • 加纳
    • 格林纳丁斯
    • 直布罗陀
    • 格林纳达
    • 关岛
    • 格恩西岛
    • 圭亚那
    • 爱尔兰(共和国)
    • 马恩岛
    • 牙买加
    • 泽西岛
    • 肯尼亚
    • 拉各斯
    • 利比里亚
    • 马拉维
    • 马耳他
    • 马绍尔群岛
    • 毛里求斯
    • 蒙特塞拉特
    • 纳米比亚
    • 新西兰
    • 尼日利亚
    • 诺福克群岛
    • Northern Mariana Islands
    • 巴布亚新几内亚
    • 皮特克恩岛
    • Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha
    • 圣基茨和尼维斯
    • 圣卢西亚岛
    • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
    • 塞拉利昂
    • 新加坡
    • 它们Maarten
    • 所罗门群岛
    • 南非
    • 南苏丹
    • 特立尼达和多巴哥
    • Turks and Caicos Islands
    • 乌干达
    • 联合王国
    • 美国
    • U.S. 属维尔京群岛
    • 赞比亚
    • 津巴布韦
    • 喀麦隆*
    • 莱索托*
    • 基里巴斯*

    *These Countries will be reviewed based on territory or region for determination of Language Proficiency Waiver. (Exemption not guaranteed)

  • 验收后

    Upon receiving a letter of acceptance, submit students must submit the following documents to internationaladmissions@healthydairyland.com 签发I-20表格:

    • 护照复印件
    • 财务报表

    Students attending Texas public 机构s of higher education must be in compliance with the Texas Success Initiative (TSI).  除非豁免, students must take the TSI评估 to determine their readiness for college-level work before being advised and registering for classes. Exemptions from TSI testing include qualifying SAT, ACT, or TAKS scores. To verify exemption or testing requirements, please contact the Undergraduate Advising Center at (409) 880-8822 或advising@healthydairyland.com. 联系 陆的职业 & 测试中心 to register for the TSI评估

    Before attending on-campus classes, students under age 22 must either receive a vaccination against bacterial meningitis or meet criteria to decline. Get more information on this vaccination requirement.